Sundays at Arbor are full of ways to discover God in His word, seek Him in prayer, and fellowship with other believers.
9:30 AM Sunday School
Our first activity of the day is Sunday school. During this time, we offer classes for all ages, from nursery to adult classes. Our adult class is held in the main sanctuary and typically follows a topical series.
After Sunday School, everyone joins together in the main sanctuary for the worship service led by the elders. Our pastors usually preach through various books of the Bible, occasionally mixing in topical messages or series. A nursery for young children and a nursing mothers room with live audio feed are available as needed.
10:30 AM Worship Service
5:00 PM Prayer Service or Small Groups
Our Sundays are concluded with either a prayer service or small groups. We alternate weeks for small groups and prayer services. Check the calendar or bulletin for more information.
Our Prayer Service includes singing, a devotional, and an extended time of prayer. We spend the majority of the evening in prayer for the requests of our church family and overseas workers.
Small Groups are held in various church members’ homes and time is spent in discussion, prayer, and fellowship. Some groups share a meal together. It’s one of the best ways to make connections and deepen friendships at Arbor. Contact the church office ( for more information.